Counterpart Lease

Scope and Content

Lessees: John Eccles of Altrincham gent, and George Eccles of Altrincham victualler.

Tenement no.: 13.

Property: 3 closes at or near Sinderland in Dunham Massey called the Further Broadheath, the Nearer Broadheath and the Meadow (1 a. 3 r. 35 p.), now in the occupation of John Collins as undertenant, and a field near the Blackley Heath in Altrincham called the Great Broadheath (1 a. 28 p.), now in the occupation of Vernon Poole as undertenant.

Rent: £1. Consideration: £25.

Enclosed is a note of the baptisms of George Eccles above, son of John and Jane Eccles of Bowdon, 27 February 1751/2, and of John, son of George and Mary Eccles of Bowdon, 1 April 1772.

Surrendered lease: to George Massey gent, [EGR14/2/1/116].