
  • This material is held at
  • Reference
      GB 133 Eng 1171/1/15
  • Former Reference
      GB 133 D/7/1 (1/15/1 and 3-6); D/10/2 (1/15/7-11); D/9/3 (1/15/12- 14). 1/51/2 was loose but stored in a wrapper numbered 3/11.
  • Dates of Creation
      16 Mar-17 Sep 1914
  • Physical Description
      14 pieces; 1/15/2, 8, 11 and 14 each contain 2 sheets.

Scope and Content

Letters and postcards sent to the Sixsmiths during 1914. Topics covered include: [Sanshiro] Ishikawa [a Japanese friend of Carpenter]; an article by Sixsmith on Fels in the L[abour] L[eader]; Sixsmith's "Hodkinson" manuscript; Sixsmith's car; a trip to Kew and to Aspley [Guise, Bedfordshire] in May; Lilly B; Henry Salt; arrangements for Carpenter's 70th birthday address, and his reply which Kate Salt helped him to send out [Sixsmith was secretary of a committee which prepared a congratulatory birthday address for Carpenter, signed by various eminent socialists, M.P.s, literary and theatrical figures, and personal friends]; William Sloane Kennedy [American writer and Whitman admirer]; the "Glastonbury affair"; Mlle [Marcelle] Senard; [I.L.P. member] E.B. Lloyd; the Maharajah [Vishwanath Singh Bahadur of Chhatarpur], who is sending a present [for Carpenter's birthday]; relations of Carpenter; an article by [Edward] Lewis; [John] Bruce Glasier [of the I.L.P.] on Intermediates [probably Carpenter's Intermediate Types among Primitive Folk]; the War; [leader and theorist of the Anarchist movement, Peter] Kropotkin; Henry Salt; Sidney Olivier [of the Fabian Society, whose sister married Carpenter's brother, Alfred] the Labour Leader; and [Ben] Iden Payne and his family.

1/15/2 is a letter to Lucy Sixsmith from Carpenter, referring to a possible trip to Woburn with the Sixsmiths.

Letters are addressed to Sixsmith at Brownlow, Anderton, Lancs, and dated at Millthorpe, except: 1/15/4, dated at 8 St Alban's Road, Kensington; and 1/15/11-13, dated at 24 Park Dwellings, Lower Cross Road, Hampstead.

1/15/1, 2, 5, 8, 10, 11 and 13 include envelopes.