Miscellaneous Letters I

Scope and Content

Fascinating letter to [Arthur] Helps [1813-1875, social reformer and author] discussing war, taxation, and social reform. Ruskin states that he thinks taxation '...;is the only means we take of purchasing our luxuries by oppressing the poor.' His ideas for social reform suggest that 'every man in England [should] go this year...; without the following articles:- carriage or horse...; jewellery and plate...; unnecessary and pointless eatables and drinkables such as turtle - champagne - (I'm very fond of it) - ices, etc.' He concludes by asserting that all great states have hitherto been warlike, and lists several battles.


Published in Correspondence of Sir Arthur Helps, edited by his son Arthur Helps (London: John Lane, 1917), pp. 217-18.