
Scope and Content

Bundle of miscellaneous papers collected by Alison Uttley, mainly newspaper and magazine cuttings of her stories and articles (including 'Where Little Grey Rabbit Lived', 'A Summer Garden', 'What Should Children Read?', 'The Tale of a Mouse', 'Tim Rabbit Goes Digging', 'Tim Rabbit Becomes a Prince', 'Tim Rabbit and his Tail', 'Tim Rabbit's Christmas Tree', 'Tim Rabbit and the Scissors', 'Slipper-slopper', 'Bad Company', 'The Frog Who Would be King', 'Four Wise Owls', and 'Some Country Cures'.); but also including cuttings of articles about her and her work, a Stage Play Licence for The Washerwoman's Child, a historic map of the Peak District, and material relating to the conferment of her honorary degree at Manchester University (including a transcript of the introductory speech made by Prof. Morris, programme, invitations, a framed copy of the degree certificate, etc.).