Counterpart Lease

Scope and Content

Lessee: Philip Clark of Sinderland to. Dunham Massey yeo.

Tenement no.: 38.

Property: as in EGR14/2/7/163 above.

Rent: £2 18s. Heriot: £2 10s. Consideration: £58.

Surrendered lease: to Clark, [EGR14/2/7/163].

Endorsed: i) licence for the devisees of the lessee to hold a parcel of land in Sinderland, boundaries given (1 r. 20 p.), rent 10s, 20 August 1805; ii) licence for Peter Clarke of Sinderland yeo, the present owner, to hold a parcel of waste ground in Sinderland, boundaries given (26 p.), rent 2s, 5 August 1811.