Letter from J.D. Hooker [Joseph Dalton Hooker] to George Maw

Scope and Content

Written from Royal Gardens, Kew. Manuscript

He is delighted by the Thalictrum roots and thanks Maw; he will figure the Salvia when it comes; he likes the idea of sending off some of the plates from the 'Botanical Magazine' of the Marocco [Morocco] plants for a separate publication, and asks what Maw thinks; it would cost a good deal and he can enquire how much; it would make a pretty book, though it would not sell; he is still dealing with the Ayrton [Acton Smee Ayrton, politician, first commissioner of works] affair, answering his 'blackguard memorandum' which he laid before the House. Dated 2 Aug, no year [1872; the subject matter matches letters written in 1872]

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