
Scope and Content

Frederick Voigt to W. P. Crozier.

Location: Paris.

He discusses Neurath's position. He has heard nothing concrete about Frazer. He says he had worried about losing touch with people in France, if he worked on German stories, but the reverse is true. French journalists and politicians are besieging him for information. He suggests visiting Frankfort for a few days. The Terror is less there. He says that the Terror is worst of all in Silesia and that he could possibly get the facts on it in from Kattowitz, which is on Polish soil. It is a thirty hour journey there, so it may not be justifiable, time wise.

He is sending an article on the Danzig where there is a critical situation due to the likely Nazi majority, the Brown Shirts infiltrating, and the latent Hitlerite regime.

Hitlerite propaganda in Paris and London is developing strongly. Two Jews have been sent by to London and Paris by Göring, to tell people that all is well in Germany. Thousands of telegrams to businesses, assuring people that all is well, are being sent worldwide under compulsion of Holtermann, Leader of the Reichsbanner. He (Holtermann) came to London asking the Labour Party and the Trade Unions for support. Voigt believes that he (Holtermann) is Goöring's agent without realising it. He says that Nazi spies abound in Geneva and no doubt in London too, 'any strange German should be treated with great caution'.