
Scope and Content

Frederick Voigt to W. P. Crozier.

Location: Paris.

He references the case of the two Indians (Communists he thinks) who are British subjects. He talks of the political trials. Many Nazis demand the trial of the 'November criminals', but he does not know what the government's plans are. He references the Brest Litovsk trial in Warsaw. He thinks the trails may be show trials, 'a kind of legalised lynching'. He discusses the situation further and the possibility that Helfferich and Breitscheid will be tried.

It has been impressed on him in Berlin that the Manchester Guardian is the only paper in the world that can do justice to the German republic. He thinks Vinogradoff should not just comment on what the Hitlerite regime says, but why it is saying it. The German propaganda machine blackens its opponents first and then attacks them with 'a great display of virtuous indignation'.

Altmaier has arrived there safely via the Saar border.