Circular to the Executive Committee & General Committee

Scope and Content

Includes: Bulletin No. 106. Trade Returns, special list for Member Companies giving more detail. Introduction: The Formosa Situation; USA Attitude to Trade with China. SBCT March Visit to Peking [Beijing], arrangements. American Opinion and Formosa. Overseas Chinese, remittances to China. Military Service in China. Military Service in China, conscription. China's Textile and Yarn Production. Agricultural production plan for 1955. China at the Leipzig Fair. Road Development. Railways. Rail Ling with Hanoi. China's Currency, new Yuan at one for 10,000. Hongkong: Trade with China; Chinese policy; The Budget for 1955-56; Industrialisation; Cross Harbour Tunnel; Trawlers Built for the united Nations; Participation at the British Industries Fair; Mr H. A. Angus to be Director of Commerce and Industry; Arrivals from Shanghai. The Association's Library.

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