STORES ARRIVING BOOK: daily record of items received, name of person ordering, supplier, cost, whether paid for and, where appropriate, note of where goods were kept, how they were used and a general notes section.

Scope and Content


1. ENVELOPE addressed to Morris Jones, Superintendent of the Mussel Tanks at Benarth Road, Conwy [empty].

2. LIST: [?shopping].

3. NOTE of experiments in double-layer cleansing of mussels in 24-hours, including note of how many samples were required to be taken and at what stages.

4. LICENCE LIST of boats for the season, giving names, addresses, boat numbers and remarks [mostly a date of when licence returned.]

5. LIST: regular fishermen, noting those who were doubtful [sometimes including the reason, e.g., no licence.]

6. LIST as 5 above [usually including reason why doubtful, e.g., ‘when not painting’ or ‘should not be musselling as draws Public Assistance’.