Report of an interview with Yigal Yadin

Scope and Content

Yigal Yadin, 1917-1984, (born Yigal Soukenik) was a soldier, politician and archaeologist, who served in the Haganah and was chief of staff of the IDF from 1949-52.

Record of an interview with Yigal Yadin , IDF chief of staff with Maj. Gershon Rivlin in attendance. Says did not know Wingate personally. Wingate's influence over Haganah was to "teach us that warfare is a science and an art at the same time". Wingate took guerilla warfare seriously and stressed it needed thorough military knowledge. His night operations were thoroughly planned, which was important.

Wingate also made them realise "our faith in our an invincible weapon." Says Wingate disobeyed orders, but was never really punished for this. Wingate's plans for the defence of the Jewish state were brought to Israel as microfilms in Feb-Mar 1948, Although obsolete in parts, they emphasised the defence of a state. Yadin believed that Wingate was influenced by the Bible as "a history of a great people".

Note by Hay says this is a summary of the interview and much has been left out.