Solway Firth net licensing and public enquiries

Scope and Content

Public inquiry regarding the application made by North West Water for a net limitation order on Solway Firth because of an increase in poaching incidents.

Includes the order by the North West Water Authority for the net limitation order on Heave or Haaf net licences. Includes objections by fishermen, and statements of objection to the order. Includes a transcript of court proceedings, 1981.

Photocopy of Cumberland News 'Haaf net licences cover for poaching'.

Includes a list of licencees and of convicted licencees and known poachers.

Objections to the net limitation order and arguments against their objections.

Copies of the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975.

Transcript of proceedings of the Queen vs the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food in order to quash a decision of the North West Water Authority of the Haaf net licensing law of Solway Firth.

Includes correspondence between the police force regarding conviction details and applications for Haaf licenses, and correspondence regarding officers and objectors who will be at the hearings.

Includes a letter regarding concerns that poachers are using Solway Haaf net licences as a cover of being in possession of poached salmon, from the Areas Fisheries Officer North.

Gives details of what you need to apply for a licence.

Correspondence regarding the Annan Fishery Board, and how a restriction on Haaf net licences would help some issues over fishing at low water.

Correspondence regarding the Solway Haaf Netters Association withdrawing its support for the proposed net limitation order 1986.

Judicial review regards complaints from two netsmen (Roy Martin and Neil Bird) whose applications for Solway Haaf net licences in 1988 were unsuccessful (The NRA's net location group decided that the two claimaints should both be offered a licence in 1990).

Correspondence between R Bowman of the Fisheries Division IIB and N.C. Durie of the Environment Agency regarding the Minister accepting that the number of Heave or Haaf licences should be limited to 155 not 120, and that the order should run for 10 years.

Geographical Names