
Scope and Content

Recounts a German 'Mensur' (academic student fencing), which though prohibited by the police, still practised and very popular. He says it is excused because a military sport, and considered a good thing for the 'Fatherland'. It was however still fought in secret and clubs were known as 'Geschlossene Vereine' (closed corporations). Mark describes the venue, duelling procedure, the attire used, rules, types of weapon, the outcome of this particular duel, concludes: 'I see nothing praiseworthy in this form of sport'.

A number of events he attended are also mentioned, which allowed him to meet and speak to many English speaking people from across the British Empire. He states that this has enabled him to understand the British Empire and the English language as world powers. Many of the people he met believed England to be, 'very conservative, conventional, narrow and parochial'. As a result of such encounters Mark declares that he is finding himself 'radically altering' his perspectives. Also noticed non-British colonials appear 'more British then ourselves'.

The federal elections of the previous day are also mentioned, with the Social Democrats gaining the largest number of votes.

Dated at: Ferdinand Rhode Strasse 7, Leipzig, Germany.