Personal Albums

Scope and Content

Images in the 'Personal Albums' are often the same or similar to those found in the College Albums but the variable quality and size of the images together with the random nature of the layout and presentation suggest that these were created by an individual as a personal memento of their time at Bedford Physical Training College and subsequently donated to the College Archive in later years. Typically, as with the College Albums, the images show students participating in a variety of games, dance, gymnastics and swimming; the interior and exterior of College buildings and grounds; activities and scenes from Holiday Week (e.g. the annual tennis tournament, past and present cricket match, entertainments and plays, displays of dancing and gymnastics, picnics and tea parties, and excursions on the Great Ouse river); and individual members of staff. However, some albums also contain images from the individual's personal life outside of the College, e.g. family and friends, holiday snaps, etc.