Lincoln College Record

Scope and Content

Annual publication by the College (first published in 1899) to keep Old Members informed of news and events from their peers, successors, and general College matters. No Record was produced between 21 June 1939 and September 1950.

Record has changed in format across its publication:

  • bound volume with dark and light blue matte cover, 1897-1901;
  • thin pamphlet, 1916-1939;
  • thin bound volume with brown matte cover and Lincoln College crest, 1950-1955;
  • bound volume with light blue matte cover with Lincoln College crest, 1956-1991;
  • bound volume with dark blue glossy cover and an 1823 watercolour by Frederick Mackenzie of Lincoln College (from the Ashmolean Collections) on the front,1992-3;
  • larger bound volume with dark glossy cover featuring blue-tinted version of same watercolour on the front, 1993-c. 2008;
  • larger bound volume with matte cover featuring black and white photograph of various Lincoln College details and teal colouring, c. 2008-present, with quote from John Wesley on the rear 2010-present.

'Record' is also dropped from the title 1917-1939. Date of publication varies, with the thin pamphlet volumes produced to be handed out at Gaudy. Editor is usually not explicitly named, but it can be inferred from information in the editorials that it was edited by Reginald Carter for the first four volumes; Keith Murray 1950-1953, Walter Oakeshott 1953-1957, and Brian Simpson 1957-1964; and Vivian Green 1964-1992. The Record became a 'team production', named at the front and headed by Stephen Gill, from 1994 to 2007. It was then edited by Peter McCullough 2007-2016, succeeded by current editor Perry Gauci.

Record eventually takes a set format of (1) editorial of general College news, (2) academic postings, (3) academic and sporting results, (4) society dinners, (5) short essays, (6) alumni news, (7) list of publications, (8) obituaries, with some fluctuation in what is included.

The Record is available online in the Series I catalogue entries for each year, or  via the College website for the following editions: 2001-2002, 2003-2004, 2004-2005, and all editions since 2008-2009.