Dyke Acland Scholarship Fund

Scope and Content

The collection consists of minutes of Trustee meetings, correspondence between the Secretary and Trustees, correspondence between the Secretary and Accountant, papers regarding award applications and accounts.

Administrative / Biographical History

Sir Arthur Dyke Acland, who died in 1926, left instructions in his Will that a fund be established to award scholarships to young men and women for travel and study in Europe. The successful applicants were required to produce a piece of research for publication on a subject agreed by the Trustees that would be useful to the Co-operative and Labour Movements.

Applications were invited annually through advertising in the national press, Universities and organisations such as the Workers Educational Association and National Council of Labour Colleges. Candidates were then invited to interview at the Labour Party offices.

In 1928 Scholars were awarded the sum of £200: £30 for books and travelling expenses, followed by eight monthly payments of £18, then £26 paid on completion of the report.

Trustees of the Fund met for the first time at the House of Commons on 5 December 1927. There were four Trustees appointed, two by the Labour Party, two by the Co-operative Union. Also in attendance at this first meeting were the Rt. Hon. A Henderson MP and Mr J Middleton, also from the Labour Party; another representative of the Co-operative Union and a representative of Messrs Drake, Son, and Parton (Solicitors). Mr Henderson MP was the first Chairman. The Co-operative Wholesale Society were appointed bankers for the Fund.

Meetings were held at different venues in London, but mostly took place at the Labour Party offices in Smith Square. Frequency of meetings seems to depend on the amount of items for discussion, for example in 1932 they met 11 times, 6 times in 1933 but then in 1934 they only met twice, in February and April.

Access Information

The collection is open to any accredited reader, subject to the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018.

Some files in this collection are subject to Data Protection legislation as they contain sensitive information and material under 30 years old is closed to access. It is advised that you contact the Archivist before visiting.

Other Finding Aids

No other finding aids exist.

Archivist's Note

Description compiled September 2009 by Helen Lindsay, volunteer at National Co-operative Archive.


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