Annual Conference (Cynhadledd Flynyddol)

Scope and Content

The main policy body for the union is the Annual Conference. The Annual Conference is attended by representatives of the branches, the county organisations, and the National Executive and its various sub-committees. These delegates are responsible for discussing and deciding UCAC's policies. During the conference there are reports by the National Executive, the union's Sections, and the county organisations on their work during the year. The collection includes a large body of documents related to the annual conferences between 1941 and 1988. The files are divided into minutes on the one hand and correspondence on the other, where these apply (see the National Executive classes for publications, statements/memoranda and the union's research). The collection is patchy for conferences of the 1940s, with hardly one file per year. The collection is fuller for the 1950s to the 1970s, when two files often are held per year.