Letter: from [a bishop] to Emily Faithfull

Scope and Content

My dear Miss Faithfull, I cannot give you a very good account of Mrs [Ryles] since we arrived here. I do not know that her health is better in any respect, & in some points certainly; is worse than it was - the cough, highly perspiration, want of appetite _____& low feverish pulse still continue. In fact I can only say at present that we are still waiting, & hoping the ___ __ _____ abundantly above all we can ask & think can heal her speedily if he sees it good for her & I am persuaded will do so, if it be for her real profit -This is the privilege of the covenant, 'all things are forms, life, death, things present & things to come. On that covenant we try to stay _____ I cannot do what [Wathem] asks. I have not ___ the notes of a ___ in the subject which would make a tract, I believe in the Resurrection. That even if I had it, I do not know that I could work it out for the ___ It requires a steadier hand, & a distracted heart, & a cooler head than I could now bring to the task. You ask a delicate & difficult question regarding the 'test to the reality of our faith' - difficult because hard to answer without doing harm in your , - direction, - d [letter ends abruptly here, pages missing?]

Small hologram on top left hand corner (looks like a bishop's hat).